Water Leaks – Even the Small Ones Can Be Destructive.
Raise your hand if the following sounds familiar.
You have a small water leak in your kitchen or bathroom, one that seems harmless enough. Water doesn’t appear to be accumulating on any surface or under a sink. As for having the leak repaired, now would be a hassle so you’ll just wait until things settle down a bit.
If your hand is raised, we have scores of customers we’d like you to meet. People who wish they had reacted sooner and lived to regret not having done so.
Water Leak Causes
Water can leak from just about anywhere inside and outside your home. That’s right, even your underground sewer pipes can leak and cause a stinking mess – literally.
The following are the most common leaking pipe causes:
- Broken seals inside your appliances
- Burst or separated sewer and drain lines
- Internal pipe corrosion
- Faulty installation
- Damaged pipe joints
- Shifting soil
- High water pressure
That’s not the whole list, but it’s a good start – one that gives you several very good reasons to schedule an annual whole-house plumbing inspection sooner than later – like now, maybe?
Water Leak Problems
Pipe repair and replacement can come at a considerable expense. What’s worse is when the water leak problem also damages your home. You know, like rampant mold and mildew, rotted wood, damaged flooring, rugs that can’t be salvaged, soggy walls, discolored or caved-in ceilings, soil erosion…ouch, each new word in that list rings up the cash register even more.

Water Leak Services from Norhio Plumbing
Here’s a flash of good news to brighten your day: Norhio Plumbing can do more than repair or replace cracked or broken pipes. We can locate hidden leaks for faster action and fewer negative consequences.
We employ state-of-the-art leak detectors that can “see” through walls, floors, and ceilings. That reduces the amount of time and effort it takes to:
- Determine if you even have a problem
- Get the problem fixed, or…
- Replace pipes or drain lines beyond repair
Less time spent searching and guessing also means less collateral damage to your home and property.
So, are you seeing or hearing water where there shouldn’t be any? If so, don’t wait another minute before contacting Norhio Plumbing for prompt and expert service, and always with your satisfaction guaranteed.

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