Summer always seems to end so abruptly, doesn’t it? One day we’ve got our toes in the sand, and the next we’re putting on sweat shirts and sending our kids off to school. And before you know it, the bright green leaves that once adorned neighborhood trees will cover our lawns in a Home winter-ready crisp toffee-colored blanket.
Which makes early fall the perfect time to make indoor and outdoor preparations for the cold months ahead. After all, winter can be tough enough without having to confront problems that easily could have been prevented.
Fall Outdoor Preparation
- Clean off and put away lawn furniture, summer sports equipment, toys, and your grill. Or, at least keep the grill covered until you’re ready for a tasty off-season barbecue.
- Harvest the last of your summer garden and clear away dead vegetation.
- Clean or service your outdoor tools and equipment. Drain the oil from your gas- powered lawn mower.
- Remove window air conditioners and store them a safe distance away from corrosive materials such as chlorine and ice melt.
- Close and secure the family pool for the season. Check the cover for damage and replace if necessary.
Tips for Extra Indoor Warmth
- Vacuum your heat vents and clean or replace the air filtration and furnace filters.
- Set your ceiling fan to run counter clockwise (in reverse) so it pushes warm air down toward the floor instead of allowing it to settle near the ceiling.
- Inspect your wood burning stove or fireplace, and call a professional to properly clean your chimney.
- Check your windows and doors for cracks and seal them to keep warm air in and cold air out.
Protection Against the Elements
- Make sure your gutters are clear and downspouts are positioned away from your home. Install extensions if necessary.
- Seal walkway and driveway cracks to prevent further damage, but lessen the risk of slips and fall.
- Cut tree limbs, branches and shrubbery away from your home to protect the siding, gutters, and roof, and to keep pests and wildlife from entering.
- Clean out the garage and shed to make room for lawn furniture, water hoses, and toys.
- Shut off the water valves to your outside faucets and store away your hoses until spring.
Fall is also a great time for a whole-house plumbing inspection, a specialty of the house here at Norhio Plumbing. Annual preventative maintenance helps prevent repair problems, helps your equipment last longer, and provides added safety for your home and family as our inspection includes searching for signs of hidden water leaks, uninsulated pipes, and possible gas leaks from your water heater. Contact us for service today, especially if it’s been a year or more since preventive maintenance was last provided.